We travel through life as seekers of the illusive looking in distant places through windows of others with unrealistic imaginings we wander taking unfamiliar pathways towards the unknown adventurous spirits howling at the wind risking all for the ultimate and it eludes as we leave rumpled sheets and empty gla**es our own inadequacies and longings are our guides and onward we continue our destination unclear shattered hearts and foggy windows are our footprints and without a backward glance or thought
we venture onward looking for the next mystery endeavoring to be the puzzle solvers of life and then there comes a day with bright dawning and a road before us is straight with markers defined always there but never traveled till that moment in time it is then that we solve life's mystery not a puzzle, not a dream, but our reality the truth we have been searching for our own completeness, not to be found in another but all through our journey patiently waiting safely sequestered within ourselves.