Direct action, Back to archaic pulsions. Set in motion, Freedom through straight reactions. Get a simple behaviour, a prehistoric manner, man is a natural hunter. It may sound irrational, but there's nothing more normal, give in to all that is carnal. Crowning of sincerity, power and integrity, utter satanic liberty. Impulsive conquest... Primeval instincts. Inherent unrest... Primeval instincts.
Get a simple behaviour, a prehistoric manner, man is a natural hunter. It may sound irrational, but there's nothing more normal, give in to all that is carnal. Crowning of sincerity, power and integrity, utter satanic liberty. Impulsive conquest... Primeval instincts. Inherent unrest... Primeval instincts. Direct action, Back to archaic pulsions. Set in motion, Freedom through straight reactions.