I guess you don't know my face My life is so far removed from this I guess you don't know my name My name is … I see your piano like a coffin in your living room I see your kitchen and your gadgets and your fancy food I see you got yourself a brand new car, let's go for a ride I've very little to lose and almost nothing to hide… I want your house, I want your car, I want a life… a life with meaning! If I don't do it…who's gonna do it
If I don't do it…who's gonna do it If I don't stand up for myself, who's going to do it? If I don't stand up for myself, who's going to do it? I've learnt to shoot My aim is straight My hand is firm It never hesitates… "…You're just a little boy lost who wants his mummy…" If I don't stand up for myself, tell me, who's going to do it? If I don't stand up for myself, who's going to do it?