GO! Trapped in this shell, a living hell that I have lived through. It's beyond any kind of pain that I had felt before. Stripped of worth and beaten flat to the floor. Every day feels like swallowing razor blades. Black out the windows to vanquish the sun. my greatest fears I'll overcome. Living nightmare pollutes my soul. It's gonna k** me if I let it take control. The path before me paved with decisions I have made.
This suffocating state is all I know reduced to nothing. GO! Losing control, a fear unknown. I heard my d**h march. A shadow of the man I was. And who I'll be again. Only this time I'll try not to pretend that I am f**ing invincible. How the mighty have fallen. There's nothing left to fear. I will fight this. It's gonna k** me if I give it control. It's gonna k** me if I can't let it go. We must take control!