In remembrance of flouted promises, my heart bleeds on this spectral shroud In remembrance of this broken dreams, my stronghold collapses under the yoke of madness I suffocate in my sleep I wake up with a shiver The vision stabilizes, The veil of tears vanishes On my chest dances an indefinable being in constant change I can't take it at one glance Then, it's darkness I see sporadically the figure of a woman with a body of a snake surmounting a pile of child's cadavers bled white A deafening whisper is born progressively from this multitude of lifeless mouth
:To have bruised the Earth herself, to have immodestly soiled her in the name of the only one, in the name of the usurper, I sentence you, Jacques Sprenger, to be immolated on the stake of the knowledge" Suddenly, all my being is invaded by an impenetrable distress Then, the whisper reveals me its secrets Each of its sentences being a dagger in my head Blood flows out of my eyes and my mouth to spill on pages of the Malleus Maleficarum