Mantra: The only thing you can control in life is yourself, so take control of your own destiny. There may be no guarantees but your future is in your own hands so don't leave anything up to chance. Just do everything you can to get where you need to be, all the while being the best person you can be. (Try saying that repeatedly!) Education: An astute student of both academia and life and aspiring autodidact, currently climbing the college pyramid in pursuit to upgrade my diploma membership card from high school to bachelorette. Strong believer in the power of principle. Professional Experience: Food Industry- For the greater third of this past decade at a local eatery, and successful small business, operating as the a**istant to the owner, a graduate of the Culinary Institute of Arts, C.I.A. certified chef, and successful entrepreneur. Responsibilities include inventory, procurement coordinator, public relations, and event set up, all to be used in combination with the culinary and business knowledge inherently acquired.
Lifeguarding- Spent months training to earn a certification in 1st Aid, AED, CPR, and aquatic rescue maneuvers. After successful certification, I took full responsibility of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of countless local youths, and fortunately never had to suffer any casualties. Sk**s: A quick learner and confident to be able to do anything I put my time and mind to. I possess a solid base of general knowledge and strong ability to interrelate areas of various form and function. What I lack in talent I normally show in heart, never afraid to work hard for that which is of more worth.