It's late at night, I can't sleep,
too many thoughts in my head,
so I turn on TV instead of counting sheep.
It isn't the solution, but I just want to get,
my head empty before going back to bed.
As channels flash by and trash is coming in,
I realize I once more have fallen into sin.
See people get k**ed, having s** or misbehave, doesn't make me sleep well, I better play it safe.
Guard my eyes so I won't see,
seduction which is surrounding me
Guard my ears so I won't hear,
words which drives You out of here
Guard my mouth so I won't say,
words which drives You're Spirit away
Guard my thoughts and guard my mind,
help me to live as You've defined
I Talk with so called friends about that alcoholic in a way I probably wouldn't do in public.
Though uncomfortable, I add my contribution to a conversation meant to hurt a person.
I need the lord to guard eyes, ears, mind and mouth for what's coming in and what's going out.
Though I try real hard, I can't do it on my one, I need the Holy Spirit, without Him hope is gone.