You were my sunshine, you were my blue skies
You were everything until the thunderstorm washed it away
Until it washed it away, away, away
You were my sunshine, you were my blue skies
You were everything until the thunderstorm washed it away
And away, away, you went, you went, you went
This isn't anything to smile about, oh no
This is a deep, dark, depressing, overcast rainy day
Oh my
You were my sunshine, you were my blue skies
You were my good weather until the rain washed you away
Until it washed you away
You were my sunshine, you were my blue skies
You were my sunny, perfect 75 degree day
Girl, that's what you were
My sunshine, and my blue skies, and my green gra**
You were my life until the rain, and the clouds, and the storms took it all away
You were my sunshine, you were my blue skies
You were everything until the thunderstorm washed you away
And away you went to pieces
You were my sunshine, you were my blue skies
You were my bright, sunny, 82 perfect weather temperature day
But then the rain washed you away, yeah it washed you away
And that f**ing s**ed
I f**ing hate the rain
I f**ing hate the clouds and anything that isn't sunny, 82 degrees
You were my sunshine, you were my blue skies
You were everything that I had in life until you got washed away
You were my sunshine, you were my blue skies
You were my perfect "everything in life is good" kind of day
Until you got washed away by the clouds and the rain
Now I'm f**ing saying what's on my mind
I don't think that I am fine
I don't have an umbrella
I don't have an umbrella
Good Lord, I don't have an umbrella
I don't have a rain coat
I don't have anything
All I had was a T-shirt and some sunscreen
But now I'll never ever need those again
Because you got washed away by the thunderstorm and the rain