Hey whats up um I don't really know
I'm just you know the usual
But this time I have nothing to do just want to go out!!
Hashtag I'm bored!
Hashtag lets hang!
Hashtag we need to hang out
Hashtag, please?
I know it most likely won't happen because I'm a loner
Hashtag loner
Hashtag hang out with me
Hashtag, please?
Hashtag why won't you hang out with me?
Oh, my god did you hear what Jenn said?!
Let's hang! I'll explain the details <3
Hashtag Jenns a b**h
Hashtag hang out with me!
Hashtag your a loser
Hashtag lets hang out
I know i know, you really don't want to talk to me, however, i need to tell you something!
It's important!
Let's hang!
Hashtag I have no life
Hashtag memes
Hashtag what the hell?!
Hashtag hang out with me!
Listen you need to hang with me!
I'm lonely!
You asked what's up, I said nothing \
Make more time already!
I'm bored!
Hashtag hang out with me
Hashtag I'm bored
Hashtag white girl problems
Hashtag you loser
Hashtag I must really be a loner...