New face in the pub on a Friday night.
"You alright?"
I asked where she worked, she said,
"Iawok dahn sayan"
She were feeling "kanna closhy"
She were of t'"Neddie"
I think she must have meant the bog.
Do you want a drink love?
She says "Aye rhebob, Hey Bob"
Hey Bob?
Tardy la**, Geordie girl,
With her crusty gusset and a gob the size of the town.
Tardy la**, Geordie girl,
The canny la** 'till after closing time.
Let's go somewhere quiet before me mates arrive,
You look lovely.
What's wrong with beer?
Oh for f**'s sake,
You're too ugly.
I'll have another Hey Bob, or else a pint of Scotch,
And then you can play with me pink bits.
I'm not made of dosh.
Alright then, f** off, Southern git.
Southern git?
Tardy La** Geordie girl,
He gave her pints and f*gs and pints and grub and shorts.
Tardy La** Geordie girl,
She gave him earache and penal warts.
Penal warts...
Tardy La** Geordie girl,
She talked and talked he couldn't understand a thing.
Tardy La** Geordie girl,
By Sunday night she needed emptying.
Tardy La** Geordie girl,
Tardy La** Geordie girl.