This is the King of Judea This is the King of Eternity! What's the fire in the sky Here I'm dead or alive? In the silent of the night (you can see) people walking in the fog! Between Lucifer and Cerberus They haven't loved like d**hsons! King of Judea where have you gone? We're not the slaves of your own world! King of Judea where have you gone? We're not the slaves of your own world! I'm not a servant of this liar church.
It's only the grave of god And when you fight a big vampire Remember Charles was right! They have taken the place of the King! From the beginning to the end! They are the political dirty pigs! Poisonous snakes of d**h!! King of Judea where have you gone? We're not the slaves of your own world! King of Judea where have you gone? We're not the slaves of your own world!