Are you read for Rock'n'Roll, motherf**ers?! Hey guys, I've seen you playin' on this f**in' stage Your band reminds me of my grandpa sh** Your boring sound castrates your songs Without balls you can't play R'N'R! Your friends seem to me as a pile of mud Trendy posers following the make up god You're the puppets of the music biz LBZ way, the real R'N'R! Listen to the ba*tardz show
The straight way to R'N'R! Hey dude how dare you call yourself musician? That's for sure if you'll write a song... I will call you? The Magician?!! So LBZ kick your a**! Dickhead!!! Listen to the ba*tardz show The straight way to R'N'R! motherf**er...Rock'n'Roll! Listen to the ba*tardz show The straight way to R'N'R!!