Hang out the ferrous wire Unhinge the mother And leave for electric light A candle to goad the meat Innards of a weary womb The loss keeps bleeding The milk runs warm and mild upon the pavement And I can see the light A pinprick gleaming in all that you recognize Where consciousness resigns A man is draped across a balustrade of spine He walks his fingers around your collar so maligned He takes no prisoners that can hardly contain
His self-devotion as his sorrow starts to fade away A glee man sneers at us His voice confession In stalls that you emphasize Are holy latrines And I can see the light A pinpoint fleeting From all the reasons why you pa** out needing A man is saved A man is made to walk the line Between the fore and aft That spans the length of time He was a singer but could hardly entertain His mixed emotion was his solemn saving grace