Know ye not that this life is deceit?
Know ye not that enjoyment is illusion?
Know ye not the world is a pa**ing show?
Know ye not that happiness is a dream?
Know ye not that praise and blame are insubstantial?
Know yet not that appearance is the mind itself?
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood?
Know yet not that the Buddhahood is the body of truth?
When ye reflect, all appearances are compacted out of mind
Contemplate the mind by day and night
From contemplation of the mind comes beatific vision
Abide in that beatitude
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood
Know yet not that the Buddhahood is the body of truth
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood
Know ye not that the body of truth is truth itself
When ye meditate upon these things a**iduously
Though ye do not succeed in rooting out desire and hatred
Know that whatever appears is your own mind-stuff
And that the mind itself is void
If ye dwell in wisdom inseparably
All the observances of the law, oblations, and the like
Are thus perfectly fulfilled
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood
When ye reflect, all appearances are compacted out of mind
Know yet not that the Buddhahood is the body of truth
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood
Contemplate the mind by day and night
Know ye not that the body of truth is truth itself
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood
From contemplation of the mind comes beatific vision
Know yet not that the Buddhahood is the body of truth
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood
Abide in the beatitude
Know ye not that the body of truth is truth itself
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood
Know yet not that the Buddhahood is the body of truth
Know yet not that the mind itself is Buddhahood