Life is slipping away from us all Endless - the timeless fall Twisting thru the machinery of fate Sadness climbs mounting scorn Wishing we were never born But we're here non-the-less Apologies seem an infinite wish There is strength in weakness Pride the destroyer a**a**in of faith Regret the past but learn for future Sin the aggressor the tyrant of persecution Relive the moments, discharge the fear Belief is crumbling fading black All the lives we have attacked Who is there to bring us to our knees? Selfish loathing empty shells Judgement day the 13th bell And our lives are at an end Apologies seem an infinite wish
There is strength in weakness Release the rage, accept the truth Cleanse the poison thru Pride the destroyer a**a**in of faith Regret the past but learn for future Sin the aggressor the tyrant of persecution Relive the moments, discharge the fear Discharge the fear! Sadness climbs mounting scorn Wishing we were never born Who is there to bring us to our knees? To bring us to our knees? Cleanse the poison, cleanse the poison pure Release the rage and accept what's true Pride the a**a**in destroyer of faith Discharge the fear! Sin the aggressor the tyrant