I've had it just up to here with your smiles and your lies
I'm sick of seeing your hand by your mouth and the whispers you try to disguise
We may have had fun for a while but now I'll get an alternate view
Cause I'm not in the aisle seat anymore, I'm three or four rows far behind you
These earbuds that I'm wearing
Don't hide your subtle staring
I see you, I see you, I see you
I'm done being the only one not in on the joke
I won't do it anymore
It's bad enough that everybody else seems to know
Come on, what's a promise for
It must be funny, causе you're all on the floor
But Sarah in the cornеr has her eyes on the door
So I know
You either tell me or I go
There was a history, this story started long ago
But now it's clear you don't care
It's as if we weren't there when my memory says it was so
We might have made bracelets or skipped on the pavement
But now that's all through
Cause when I look at what it took it wasn't worth the excuses I made you
This jacket that I'm grabbing
Won't hide the back you're stabbing
I see you, I see you, I see you
I'm done being the only one not in on the joke
I won't do it anymore
It's bad enough that everybody else seems to know
Come on, what's a promise for
It must be funny, cause you're all on the floor
But Sarah in the corner has her eyes on the door
So it's true
You can admit or I can, too
Don't play stupid, I know that it's you
I hear it echo into the stall
I'm finished with the antics you're putting me through
So when I see you again in the hall
I'm done being the only one not in on the joke
I won't do it anymore
It's bad enough that everybody else seems to know
Come on, what's a promise for
It must be funny, cause you're all on the floor
But Sarah in the corner has her eyes on the door
So it's clear
There's nothing left we're doing here
I'm done being the only one not in on the joke
I won't do it anymore
It's bad enough that everybody else seems to know
Come on, what's a promise for
It must be funny, cause you're all on the floor
But Sarah in the corner has her eyes on the door
So it's clear
There's nothing left we're doing here
Take your jokes and disappear
I'm so sick of this fear