MLK SPEECH VERSE 1 People always used to tell me Martin had a dream, daddy always told me that it isn't what it seem used to think each other was all we'd ever need now I'm hearing other people wanna see me bleed Mandela used to show us how to stand up for the weak, always have hope even when your on your knees, calling him the seller but he couldn't be the seller cause if he had been the seller then you wouldn't be the fee 1993 was the year of many dreams, Keyz was a seed but he always been a beast, robben was a man that I didn't understand cause he had his own Island but yet he k**ed man People always saying that they wanna be me, I'm always saying dawg I wanna be free, white man don't ever wanna see you free cause if you go free then they won't eat I'm thinking bout the times when i didn't have a ryhm, thinkin bout the times when they wouldn't let us shine, thinkin bout the people who would ever draw the line between white mans habit and black mans crime
I'm thinking bout the times when they wouldn't let us eat, how you gave a people everything they wouldn't need, how you gonna k** us for the things we oversee see we might be humble but we're not weak MLK VERSE 2 People always used to tell me Martin had a dream, daddy always told me that it isn't what it seem used to think each other was all we'd ever need now I'm hearing other people wanna see me bleed White always say he wana take the lead, black man trapped and he doesn't even see Cause he made aids, he gave sickness, he made plagues, we bear witness. He made poverty , he made slums, he made reasons to wana buy guys he made racism he made money, he made hell now he doesn't wanna come I'm thinking bout the times when they shot their guns, thinking bout the times when they k**ed our sons We've come a long way and we've had our fun but the wars not over and we're not done MLK