(scottie edge) Trapped behind borders Swimmin in foreign waters Importes, exporters Informers, flippin' on tape recorders Like da man dat knew too much Never knew enough Knew who to trust I'm talkin espionage In camoflauge Like boats on bogs In bayou fogs Ya had ya secret plans Ya microfilm Secret agent man A view to a k** I'm talkin goldeneye Da l to da i R-o-y Show me how ya spy (mr. Kaves) The saint with the halo The payroll Da kavesman The mademan Don't give a f** what you say man Take over your chat room, got my Powermac On mr. Kaves-dot-com, If you wanna get it on da breathtaker Da bonebreaker Da freshmaker The loanshark bet taker The ny skyscraper Spy vs. Spy Look into my eyes Try to cross the border To live & let die (liroy) Nowy jork, nowy jork! Liroy znów nadciąga tu Powiedz mi, powiedz co się stanie mu Kiedy...wkraczamy do miasta Liroy, lordz of brooklyn - cisnienie Narasta Wzrasta adrenalina, scyzoryk l swe Rymy zaczyna Mamy 1997 w kalendarzu na ścianie Zadanie proste - freestyle na planie Rym nasuwa się prosto z mojej głowy Odruch ten bracie jest bezwarunkowy Różowy cadillac przejeżdża obok mnie Pytanie zachodzi gdzie ja jestem, gdzie? Bay ridge, brooklyn, nowy jork Jeśli znasz ten klimat Jeśli znasz ten klimat to - 1995 to był rok kiedy pierwszy raz Ujrzalem nowy jork Polska - stany, czas na porównanie
Jeśli na to liczysz - zapomnij! Nic się nie stanie takiego kolego Skoomaj moją przestrzeń Lordz of brooklyn powie ci coś Jeszcze... Chorus: Spy vs. Spy Look into my eyes Try to cross the border To live & let die (breakdown w/sasch jenkins) (paulie two times) Throughtout the five boroughs Paulie's rockin thorough You slept like a sedative My style's never repetitive You must pay attention To what i bhe mentionin When my microphone drops It's your brain i'm dentin' in Inventin' in Lunical lyrics With no repent I'll leave that mug all red And that nose bone bent f** the shure shot I got the direct hit My crew be on the rise Like alcohol & unemployment But on a serious note I rock mc's like the vote From sea to shining sea I got ya noddin' Like a bag a dee dee dee dee (ad-money) Bangin billy bats Shootin craps on ya life wit a knife For the streets of my turf, gettin' hurt Cross the line ny express - 007 f** That! Yo, he better pay his f**in' debt (bobalou & the 7th power) It's the spyhunter - seven Comin' in the name of thunder I bring hell like thunder Poland, hold up... New york's comin' Through Lob... That's my crew Bringin in to your dome once again Babalouu??? I meand dead President get blow up, hold up Mc get smoked up Where ya gonna run? Ny you cannot run.