Made my latest fashion from the kitchen drapes A miniskirt that also doubles as a cape Did I mention that I've loved to swim since childhood Moved to the city when I came of age Then mother took to feral cats and canned pate' Broken like a hobbled mare forever This seaside cage, these gardens grey always call me back again The best of me, patiently waiting for the band All I ever wanted was to dance with you Move around the room for a tune or two Spin so fast the fleas won't bite our ankles But it's hard to see the line between what's now and past Despite my every effort with a looking gla**
And the sanitation workers wearing masks This seaside cage, these gardens grey bound to leave you any day The best of me, anxiously waiting for the band Pin the terry cloth around my naked head Wait for mother dear to call me to her bed Navigate my way through lack of letting go Like milk left to curdle in a silver bowl Love letters left to mold in a chifforobe Frost's yellow wood means nothing to me now This seaside cage, these gardens grey gone for good but not today The best of me, finally dancing to the band This tin-can dream, these gardens green, now I'm dancing to the band