Do you still get choked up when you hear my name? Times passed in hour glass and still nothings changed Our worlds both fell apart when you moved away Reminded of the past as my room starts to cave You're a silhouette inside the rain as tears hit my shoulder With every step I try to take, my heart's growing colder Rains fall when my heart fades, my love's growing colder The flame dies while time stops, the spark starts to smolder The reflection of your face in the water that you love I'll stand there till it fades away and I have had enough I'm haunted by these memories I know I'll never get back If I could have the option, I still would never change that You still have my sweatshirt that reminded you of home Stripped it off my back as it was stained with my cologne
I wish I could've turned back but you knew I had to go In the same car with my bestfriend, that drive was so alone That week I sat there and watched us fall apart Had nothing left to offer, we broke each others heart I did deserve a text back, you left me in the dark Now we're all alone as we look up at the stars Call me when you need me cause I know you're feeling numb And play you that same guitar you loved to watch me strum Just close your eyes as I write and sing you you're last song The time for this has passed We knew it all along So what if Bonnie had never met her Clyde? If Romeo didn't have his Juliet, she would've died And if the Damsel wasn't in distress, she would've never found her knight Love is just a fairytale they're telling you at night