Every city is a ghost town where I see remnants of us That will never fade because they'll never see the light The streets remember our footprints Maps made in sand and snow Where we walked side by side The things we told each other Piece by piece As it comes back now Revisiting I stopped searching for our missing ending There are no dry winds carrying torn pages down abandoned roads Fluttering Caught on telephone poles Waiting to be found and read aloud Even if I alone returned to those streets Deceased I'd be choked by the ashes of long combusted paper dreams You are being immortalized as I speak Not just in words But a reality I live in my sleep Last night I dreamt you followed me I can feel you always close Sometimes a day ahead Or two behind Hunting down a similar night
Different from the next I can still hear your voice in air currents you've since left and I've just found I told you to never try and find me But how can I ask memories to leave They just come and go as they please And even if I wrote a thousand songs No one will ever know what you've done to me They'll hear it echoing Or see the delicate skin shed from a body still evolving Ghosts of emotions lost and unable to give up A carca** of a parasite that left one final scar before being cast from it's host We're not bound by ties But inescapably intertwined in eachother's lives Your love was gla** cut like a diamond But I have discovered a truer fortune I take pity on your greed You will never regain wealth lost in me And even as I immortalize you with my words I know you don't deserve this