This planet is a single sea And we have crashed into its solitary island The shores roll like boiling sand against the waves Rain comes down in constant sheets And the only source of hope or relief is an oasis that mimics the sun I must find shelter For I am in danger A few more hours of this And I will drown where I stand Drops of lead drill holes through my skull Hack away at my flesh, bleach the color from my skin They worm cold trails through my hair Down my neck and spine Just praying for my body to go numb While some desert prisoners would challenge the sun and pray for rain I can't even lift my face to curse the bursting sky Millions of pelting precious j**els are slowly driving me insane And I would k** a man just to feel the flames of Hell lick me dry Infinite streams tunnel into the soil From steaming angry clouds
Melting away Stinging Crawling Dancing Slashing Choking We found him frantic Slapping at the heavy raindrops sweating down his body Just repeating over and over Don't know enough to come in outta the rain I thought I saw the sun dome Radiating not far ahead My eyes transfixed I raced for it Slipped and fell And discovered my mind's trick Lie here It's only a mirage Lie here It's no use Drink all you want Somewhere in this single sea Maybe they have an Atlantis of their own Where they take you when they find you Use an entire day to drown and torture Unwanted visitors like me I'm forced to hold my breath until I find this place Buried underwater Beware the chase I sought the storm and now I can't escape Heaven doesn't look so holy when it's heaving