In the name of the Holy See, CFR, BC, FED... Nations're led into misery - in secrecy From a global conspiracy into a new age of tyranny Our brave new slavery will soon reveal Tyrants of the world In dark conspiracy Behind the scenery The truth lies concealed Abolition of democracy Human rights and liberty To establish a (global) surveillance state Freedom's at stake False flag terror justifies new wars Nations mashed by iron claws Financial crises and a new disease Make you believe (their lies) Masters of deceit
Altered reality Behind the scenery The truth lies concealed A fascist regime based on debt slavery, blind faith, hate and fear... Mondial Mastery!!! (United) under a global governmind A prison planet for mankind Human life-stock for the world's elite Obedient sheep Follow the followers towards your graves Otherwise you'd fall from grace Overthrow the System that has made us slaves WE (the people shall) seal their fate!!! Tyrants of the world In dark conspiracy Masters of deceit The truth lies concealed