[Verse 1] Somedays that I went thru, writing with my pen thru/ Ranging every feeling and it hurts what I been thru/ A misfit, a freak, a loser and a geek/ Desario and Haverchuck, flip em every week/ Hop into a group, either left or got the boot/ And denied by the girls that were beautiful and cute/ (damn) Awkward at best, maade fun of how I dressed/ A divorce and a move man, they really got me stressed/ (f**) Played by the women, who I thought were really feelin/ I was sliding into home, called out, caught stealin/ Everything I did was really two steps behind/ And I tried playin catch up couldn't muster up the time/ I'm lost in the fake, finding real is a mistake/ I'm pretending that I'm young and I never wanna wake/ But then I feel my heart beat, everything is perfect/ And everything I been through is damn well worth it/ [Verse 2] Lookin at my life, it's a mess full of stress/ And I'm hangin by a thread from the dress of the blessed/ And every day I'm getting closer, pull the wheel up on the shoulder/ Found myself some closure but I knew that it was over/ I guess it beats a 9 ta 5 knowin that I tried/ Stayin true to myself in the midst of all these lies/ But with every move I make, and with every breath I take/ I'm fearin a mistake, with a penniless fate/
So f** the world, I'm in a state of my own/ I got a little independence, tryna find a new home/ Ropes and the rafters, show before and after/ The burns on my hands from the sliding disaster/ I'm true ta my word, I always get up when I fall/ And I'm only 5'11 but I'll stand 6 tall/ Somedays I'll be wrong, somedays I'll be late/ Somedays I'll be bad, someday I'll be great/ [Verse 3] I'm married to the past, with a bunch of dirty gas/ Floating in the tank of my dirty blue cav/ A dream and a career stockpiled with a laugh/ And this was the beginning way before the first half/ A job at the mill, savin up a couple bills/ And I'm tryna fund a future, that will spread a little thrill/ And set me up on top b**h, paper in my pockets/ Anything for fame, it was better than the boxes/ Every single day, I try ta make it but I miss/ With a smile hiding a frown that was locked in the abyss/ Lookin at my gas gauge, flashin that it's empty/ Compare it to my life, the similarities are deadly/ Feelin up, feelin down, feelin like a f**in clown/ Tryna keep my head above the water so I'll never drown/ Everything I'm doubted for, is everything I'm riding for/ And everything I'm shouting for, is everything I'm dying for/