With the devil at my back Giving lies in the form of dreams. Unfinished With a heart unfinished, a body undone Never hearing a voice or the sound of moving steps Living life like a sickness I let the cancer increase This is how the venom works 'You are so broken' that's what you said to me This is restless sleep These are prophets' dreams So when I wake what will I see The image of a madman before me or some holy presence?
Make us calm! Amongst us: a remnant of what was I hear the fall in the sound of walking away With the devil at my back giving lies in the form of dreams This is the recollection of what I used to be But as it stands this is who I am All my wanderings to no avail, risen now, not called to mourn The sight arrested, suspended in my mind, the image of a madman before me Where there is nothing Spirit now create!