Dudek Wiped off the morning fog from my shades Rolled up my sleeping bag from where I laid Pa**ed by a vision with her thumb in the air Stopped for a look, she said I do declare. Would you, please, take me for a ride? I just live two miles up the coast Tossed me a kiss with a smile Then she got on real close. Yes I'd like to You know I'd love to. Hey, chicky chicky Would you like to kick some sand with me? Hey, chicky chicky Would you like to take a swim and .. Just north of Venice I let her off, she roller skated, I said I'd rather not Then from the shadows came walkin' from the pier Blonde blue-eyed heaven done tickled my ear.
She was wonderin' do I get high Then she got on real close She was wonderin' do I get high Then she got on real close. Yes I'd like to You know I'd love to. .......................... ............... ...................... Would you like to spend some time by the sea. Oh yes, I'll take you for a ride So set yourself down on my spokes Squeeze me tight with those thighs But there's one thing I want you to know. Yes I'd like to You know I'd love to. Hey, chicky chicky Would you like to kick some sand with me? Hey, chicky chicky Would you like to kick some sand with me? Chicky, chick chicky.