[DR. PANGLOSS] Let us review Lesson eleven! [STUDENTS] Paragraph two Axiom seven [PANGLOSS] Once one dismisses The rest of all possible worlds One finds that this is The best of all possible worlds! [STUDENTS] Once one dismisses The rest of all possible worlds One finds that this is The best of all possible worlds! [PANGLOSS] Pray cla**ify Pigeons and camels [MAXIMILLIAN] Pigeons can fly! [PAQUETTE] Camels are mammals! [PANGLOSS] There is a reason For everything under the sun! [CANDIDE] There is a reason For everything under the sun! [MAXIMILLIAN] Objection! What about snakes? [PANGLOSS] Snakes! 'Twas snake that tempted mother Eve Because of snake we now believe That though depraved We can be saved From hellfire and damnation (Because of snake's temptation!) If snake had not seduced our lot And primed us for salvation Jehovah could not pardon all The sins that we call cardinal Involving bed and bottle! [ALL] Now onto Aristotle! [PANGLOSS] Mankind is one All men are brothers! [STUDENTS] As you'd have done Do unto others! [PANGLOSS] It's understood in This best of all possible worlds-- [MAXIMILLIAN] All's for the good in This best of all possible worlds!
[CANDIDE] Objection! What about war? [PANGLOSS] War! Though war may seem a bloody curse It is a blessing in reverse When canon roar Both rich and poor By danger are united! (Till every wrong is righted!) Philosophers make evident The point that I have cited 'Tis war makes equal -- as it were -- The noble and the commoner Thus war improves relations! [ALL] Now onto conjugations! [PANGLOSS] Amo, amas, Amat, amamus! [STUDENTS] Amo, amas, Amat, amamus! [PANGLOSS] Proving that this is The best of all possible worlds With love and kisses The best of all possible worlds! [STUDENTS] Proving that this is The best of all possible worlds With love and kisses The best of all possible worlds! [PANGLOSS] Quod erat demonstrandum! QED! Amo, amas, Amat, amamus! [MAXIMILLIAN] (overlapping) Quod erat demunstrandum! QED! Amo, amas! Quod erat demonstrandum! [PAQUETTE] (overlapping) Quod erat demunstrandum! QED! Amo, amas! [CANDIDE] (overlapping) Quod erat demonstrandum! QED! [CUNEGONDE] (overlapping) Quod erat demunstrandum! [ALL] Quod erat demonstrandum In this best of all Possible, possible, possible worlds! Quod erat demonstrandum! Q! E! D!