NOTHING Left out here to save Not a single hope for this world GENERATION OF DECAY Flip the switch & take control Am i part of the plan? Have i really got the upper hand? Take me back To where it all began READY OR NOT JUST MAKE IT GO I'M COMIN DOWN TO ROCK THE BOAT Ready or not here I come We've got no time to waste WAKE UP AND SMELL THE PLASTIC THIS WORLD IS SO ELASTIC WAKE UP TO AUTOMATIC LIFESTYLES OF HOMEMADE PANIC Blood HOT Voltage ON Strapped TIGHT Target in SIGHT "don't fall" "don't lose hold" "yr mission just Can't fold" Remove me from This great unease Remind me of my destiny How the hell i got here I don't recall Seems like the last thing i'd expect
Is just what the doctor ordered No time like now to heed My long-awaited curtain call It seems like the battle we've fought for years Is finally worth something after all "take to the street yr last word Go out and make yrself heard Don't be afraiad to show them all just who they really are Don't let a thing get in the way don't lose sight of the objective And please remember we're all counting on you now" I burn upon re-entry For the crime of the century I'M HERE TO SET AFLAME ALL THAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER AND MORE Can anyone imagine the risk that i am taking I'm here to set things right A FINAL CHANCE TO STOP THE MACHINE