Word Sounds Power Earthquake lightning thunder brim-stone and fire Takin' over clock tower Word Sound and Power Word Sound and Iwer Word Sound and Power Word Sound and Iwer Tea tar toe Al-al-lo Tea tar joe Hal-hal-lo Magic gear Magic slate Miracle feat Magic gate Dandy Lion King Sela**ie I And make steep [??] Dandy Lion Emperor Haile I Sela**ie I Magic gate History Clock History Jack History Ack History Nack I get staired And get staired And get staired Magic feat Bing baba bonzabayung bayabazay... African Children African I-ildren African a Pigmy African a Christmy [??] Darks [??] is off the map De liars bill a go cut [??] You what a ve tack [??] a dra Jah, Jah, Jah, Jah, Jah
Jah, yaby yaby yabya Rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, rub Yab yab yab yab yah By love Jesse Reality I-ah By love fire Ally aly alla Ally ally kitta Ally ally balla Oily oily Collie Green eye Sally Sine and Sigma Sine a I-ma Sine a byma I-man a I-man Ice! (echo).... Blackboard Jungle Lion of the desert Hunting the Tiger-Lion Hunting in Mount Zion Brother Job get justice Earthly precious feat [??] Sure Mother Christus [??] Dandy dally a** [??] de Far I Few done [??] super colour Blue blue sky 'n' a white cloud Red red red red light Golden Lion ...[??]...other [??] Green green green green Collie Green Collie Lizzie Lizzie Greener greener greener Collie Greener Collie whizzy whizzy