Forget your hexagram you'll soon feel fine Stop looking at the stars You don't live under the signs Don't mess with gypsies Or have your fortune read Keep your table on the floor And don't you listen to the dead You can't hitchhike your way to heaven The devil's closed the roads You live once and you die once with no Re-incarnate episodes You can't hitchhike to heaven Or get there but just being good The rules were set down long ago When the spikes went in the wood Heaven is in your mind When love is in your heart Maybe you'll find the way
But first you have to start Forget your hexagram you'll soon feel fine Stop looking at the stars You don't live under the signs Don't mess with gypsies Or have your fortune read Keep your table on the floor And don't you listen to the dead You can't hitchhike your way to heaven The devil's closed the roads You live once and you die once with no Re-incarnate episodes You can't hitchhike to heaven Or get there but just being good The rules were set down long ago When the spikes went in the wood