Lard Lard Lard You can see it in the clouds up in the sky Lard Floats by in clusters in our water supply Lard It's all of us, man in our pores and in our hair Lard's What we conceal with these corny clothes we wear Lard is all Lard is divine Lard is control Lard whips and chains our soul (Lard) We carry credit cards (Lard) We live in fear of art Lard is the OM Lard is revolution Lard is the tapeworm In the bottle of cheap tequila That comes alive at night And sneaks up and bites your nipple Lard Lard Nowadays, most of us need someone to run our personal life Someone to see that the plants are watered Someone to make sure the place is clean Someone to make sure dinner is waiting Someone to call for theater tickets Someone to make up those cheap excuses What we need is Lard Lard The answer, the dancer, the ointment, the dream Absorb it, inflame it, respect it, molest it Lard Lard The country right now just wants to be soothed And told it doesn't have to pay or sacrifice or learn No one is over the hill when the mountain comes to Mohammed Lard, Lard, Lard We love to eat We love to pray Mold over mind Hooray The power of Lard The power of Lard The power of Lard The power of Lard Every time I take a crap, it's a cosmic experience Religion and chemicals are the key to the future Next time we have s**, just pretend that I'm Ed Meese The weasels have it down, man; it's a whole new age Lard
Which would you prefer, a computer or a gun The sharks out lived the dinosaurs, you know The power of Lard The power of Lard The power of Lard The power of Lard Pity the poor trainer in the stable when the race horse farts Poison oak really is the aphrodisiac of the Gods When people are asleep, we must all become alarm clocks Hey, man, life is my college Yeah It's dental floss of the mind Who will babysit the babysitters? Ever hear about that guy in New York Whose dick fell off in the bath after he shot it full of coke It's okay to run out of bu*ter in Zambia Just smear squashed caterpillars on your toast Waiter, there's a terrorist in my soup Which came first, Max Headroom or Gerald Ford Are you a man or are you a mouse? If you love your fun, die for it Die for it The Power of Lard The Power of Lard The Power of Lard The Power of Lard Who's gonna babysit the babysitters? Who's gonna babysit the babysitters? Who's gonna babysit the babysitters? Who's gonna babysit the babysitters? The Power of Lard The Power of Lard Avoid everything Avoid everything Avoid everything Avoid everything Everything, everything Everything, everything Everything, everything Everything, everything The Power of Lard The Power of Lard Lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard Lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard Lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard Lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard, lard Lard