Enter the space in the dark, Search for your own spark, Enter this place of your whole undivided and one. Don't pray for love and love yourself, Don't k** your pain make it your strength, Hear your wisdom Calling within Holding your every desire, Playing with your mourning heart, Feel all and nothing. Nothing is life, Inside this vacuity: your throne, Your kingdom will be ruthless. Your company will hurt Most of your dreams will be shattered by a curse,
Your crimes will deny how splendid you are, You will be human, I'm here no fear, I'm here no fear. I am A-WA the light of your heart of your soul, I am both of your memories your spirit is my own, I am all of your senses, the strangest part. I am your OTHER half your home! I am A-WA the light of your heart of your soul, I am both of your memories your spirit is my own, I am all of your senses, the strangest part. I am your OTHER half your home!