Laibach Ljubljana Zagreb Beograd Cari Amici Soldati, Jaruzelsky, Drzava, Svoboda (Dear Friends Soldiers/Jaruzelsky/The State/Freedom) CARI AMICI SOLDATI [Italian] DEAR FRIENDS SOLDIERS Cari amici soldati Dear friends soldiers I tempi della pace the times of peace Sono are Pa**ati! over! JARUZELSKY JARUZELSKY General Jaruzelsky je imenoval General Jaruzelsky proclaimed 31. avgust za dan dela in miru. August 31 as a Day of Work and Peace Povdarja: "Oblast He emphasizes: "The Authority Je morda nesimpaticna might be unsympathetic A edina nesmrtna pot but the only immortal way Miru in of peace Stabilizacije." and stabilisation." SVOBODA V letih najtezjih socialnih in druzbenih prtresov V casu gospodarske krize
Je bila teznja Da se ohrani enotnost in povezanost delavstva Poglavitna naloga komunistov in zavednih delavcev Z vkljucitvijo Brezposelne delavske mladine Je vse bolj rasel politicni In bojevni razmah Oblikovalo se je javno mnenje... Zaradi politicnega delovanja Je oblast V letu 1982 Razpustila Svobodo FREEDOM In the worst years of social and moral collapse At a time of economic crisis There was a tendency To preserve working cla** union and unity The principal task of communists and aware workers Incorporating Unemployed working cla** youth Was to step up political And militant reaction Public opinion has been formed... Due to political activity The authority has In the year 1982 Cancelled Freedom