He knows no shame and takes no blame This simpleton sees everything He's only satisfied to point out other's mistakes Never afraid to use his pride His tradition is old His faith a hand-me-down The family He wears them on his sleeve Morale and values left under a christmas tree Hisonce had the gift This image in his grandparents eyes No guns No d** No rape No end His vacent soul is pale and blue In empty gaze His crow's feet are a vision of defeat Sick an tired of the meaninglessness The irrationale He's desensitized His every need and emotion
A cup half empty But full of euphoria His searching for the lightswith in the dark To swith his routine To find a reason To find faith and piece of mind When one to many beliefs die It's though to see through these black eyes Everyone forgives Everyone forgets Everyone is true And noone here will lie to you He knows the truth He knows the truth Here nothing's certain Disregard what you've learned To find faith in piece of mind All of their gods died with his piece I should know him that heathen's me