Give up their Reason, and their Wills resign, And every Look, and every Thought confine. Sure, this, Detraction you can't justly call? 'Tis kindly meant, and 'tis addressed to all. Melissa. Must Men command, and we alone obey, As if designed for Arbitrary Sway: Born petty Monarchs, and, like Homer's Gods, See all subjected to their haughty Nods? Narcissius-like, you your own Graces view, Think none deserve to be admired but you Your own perfections always you adore,And think all others despicably poor We have our faults, but you are all divine,wisdom does in your meanest Actions shine Just, Pious, Chast, from every Pa**ion free, by learning raised above humanity. For every failure you a covering find rage is a noble bravery of mind revenge, Tribute due to injured fame and pride, but what transcendent Worth does claim Cowards are Wary, and the dull are grave, Fops are Genteel, and Hectoring bullies brave such as live High, regardless of expense, are generous men, and ever blessed with sense base avarice frugality you call, And he's a prudent Man who grasps at all Who to be Rich, does labor, cheat, and lie does to himself the Sweets of Life deny, And wretched lives, that he may wealthy dye. Thus to each Vice you give some specious Name, and with bright colors varnish o're your Shame. But unto us is there no Deference due? Must we pay all, and look for none from you? Why are not husbands taught as well as we Must they from all restraints, all laws be free? Pa**ive obedience you've to us transferred, and we must drudge in paths where you have erred that antiquated Doctrine you disown 'Tis now your scorn, and fit for us alone.