Rome her Lucretia, and her Porcia show, And we to her the famed Cornelia owe, a place with them does Great Zenobia claim, with these I could some modern ladies name, who help to fill the bulky Lists of fame, women renowned for knowledge, and for sense, for sparkling wit, and charming eloquence. But they're enough at least to make you own, if we less wise and rational are grown,'Tis owning to your management alone. If like the ancients you would generous prove, and in our education shew your love, into our souls would noble thoughts instill, our In fant-minds with bright ideas fill, teach us our time in learning to employ, and place in solid knowledge all our joy, persuade us tri fling authors to re fuse, and when we think, the use foulest subjects chose, in form us how a prosperous state to bear, and how to act when fortune is severe, we should be wiser, and more blameless live, and less occasion for your censures give, at least in us less failings you would see, and our discourses would less tiresome be, tho' wit like yours we never hope to gain,
yet from impertinence we should re frain, and learn to be less Talkative and vain. Unto the strictest rules we should submit, and what we ought to do, think always fit. Never dispute, when duty leads the way, but its commands without a sigh obey. To reason, not to humor, give the reins, and be the same in palaces and chains. But you our humble suit will still decline, you have us wise was never your design, you'll keep us fools, that we may be your Jest, they who know least, are ever treated best, if we do well, with care it is concealed, but every error, every fault's revealed, while to each other you still partial prove, can see no failures, and even vices love.