Nor must your deference be alone confined unto the hid recesses of your mind, but must in all your actions be displayed, and visible to each spectator made. With him, well pleased, and always cheerful live, and to him still respectful Titles give. Call him your Lord, and your good Breeding show, and do not rudely too familiar grow, nor like some country matrons call him names, as John, or Geffrey, William, George or James, or what's much worse, and ne're to be forgot, those courser terms of Sloven, clown, or Sot, yet must not, Madam, once be spoke by you, soft winning language will become you best, ladies ought not to rail, tho' but in jest. Lastly, to him you fealty must pay, and his commands without dispute obey. A blind obedience you from guilt secures, and if you err, the fault is his, not yours. What I have taught you, will not tiresome prove, if as you ought, you can but truly love, honor and Homage then no task will be, and we shall, sure, as few ill husbands see, as now good wives, they'll prodigies appear, like whales and comets, shew some danger near. Now to improvement I with hast will run, be short in that, and then my work is done. To you, Sir, first, I will myself apply, to you, who are more fortunate than I, and yet are free from the dire Gordian Tye. You that religion ought to love, and praise, which does you thus above the females raise, next me admire, who can such comments make, and kindly wrest the scripture for your sake, and now if you dare try a married state, you'll have no reason to accuse your fate, since I have told them, if they'll be good wives, thy must submit, and flatter all their lives.