Mji Ule Mtukufu [That Glorious City]
1. Mji ule mtukufu [that glorious city]
Watakaourithi wateule [that which the selected ones shall inherit]
Ujihimu ndugu [Make effort brother]
Uje urithi ule. [In order for you to inherit that].
2. Mji ule umepambwa [That city is decorated;]
Barabara zake za dhahabu, [Its roads are paved with gold,]
Milango yote lulu; [All the doors made of pearl]
Uje urithi ule. [Be sure you inherit that].
3. Wataalam wa kujenga, [The experts to build it]
Ni Baba, Mwana na Roho; [Are, Father, Son and Spirit;]
Taa zake ni wao; [They are its lights;]
Uje urithi ule. [Come and inherit that]