Another time when it feels Like there would be no power for me You can call it I'm low down like a battery Wondering those who hate me are they really Happy for making me feel so creepy Your supply of doubts has made me a little bit tipsy Now pay attention to what i said I said just a little bit So you get rid from that thing you call victory Its an illusion and it ain't part of history Because its imaginary Problem is it never happened I may feel empty but you didn't k** me What i feel i call emptiness that's my workout To pa** the test [Chorus by LostLaura] My mind is Empty but i try to understand What's going on What's going on What's going on [verse 2] I think if life would be something like a computer game I would reclaim level of expert and arrange maintain my game Play in way that i couldn't be a slave for feelings full of pain That suppress me no need to replay so no regrets Bigger the risk bigger the bets bigger the income from that you did invest My direction I'm going for the best just rename my way my life to success Even you are not able to see any chances for the progress I'm way to arrogant to cry before challenges guess what I got a word for those who cry i call them b**hes don't ask to me why And yes i feel the stress and i guess its received from haters That press the pressure in measure its same like some dogs trainers train To be suppressed by chain [LostLaura singing] They got used to it [Kristjan rapping] But I'm not going along with that so stay away and difference is that
I did choose freedom for my own gateway Like day by day on local highway When you drive then you choose the free lane Cause you can't sustain to wait in congestion away from your home And even thats ok even that pressed d in that dress is whispering thoughts not far from my chest [LostLaura singing] I just have to be good to get through that all mess [Chorus by LostLaura] My mind is Empty but i try to understand What's going on What's going on What's going on [verse 3] And i am good because i know the fact that i am strong same like i know opinion is wrong When its not based on truth all the haters the fact is you don't know me in basic root So all i can do jell f** you when i do what i did choose to do And sorry me for being rude but im too good to be fooled by your delude and incompetence People like you they can't keep beauty in their hands only pretend they are familiar with that And actually this all seems for me [singing] So sad so sad as sad it could be So sad so sad as sad it could be [Kristjan rapping] Even these thoughts you provide they make the mess in my mind Sending information through that pipe Which supply consciousness mine Now stop! Sorry I would like to enjoy colorful life So move that all sh** aside And i pay the price Yes i realize It takes the risk same like time Im ignoring the lies of bullies Looking for allies While im standing up for myself Like a highrise