KUBAHA(Respect) Abantu bigira ibitangaza bakumva bafite imbaraga We think to be so smart enough With all the power to rule the world Bazi yuko isi izenguruka ko n'inyenyeri zinyuranamo Ariko ntibibaza imvano yabyo ngo batinye uwabishyizeho Everything you see surrounding you was set by the unknown Oh oh let's show respect Kubaha is all the wisdom we need To know he's great nibwo bwenge Ubwibone buva kukibi Give us the strength to show you respect
We don't have to believe in gods To know our world is in a wrong way Either we call them Allah, Jehovah, Bouddah or Jah It's still the same Coz we wanna be granted their love; To heal and bless the world Coz the color of our skins, what we believe shouldn't break us Oh no, we ain't different Oh oh let's show respect Kubaha is all the wisdom we need To know he's great nibwo bwenge Ubwibone buva kukibi Give us the strength to show you respect (x3)