Okay What would you do if you only had one day left of your life? What I'd do? I think that I would Withdraw some money from my firmaccount Go shop the car that I've always wanted Wave as I saw my neighbour "Hello, yo ít is a new car with 24" alu" I would have the girl that I love by my side Head for the water and not take anything for granted I would call my old friends and girlfriends(lovers) Tell them that they have made me who I am Look in the sidemirror Say "Hey It's All right" The seat leaned back, the window opened and the volume turned up I wouldn't give a f*** why I was here Just smile and enjoy that i was I would collect all my friends and family And head for the water as a unity I would consider whether I've been giving enough back To those who has given me so much of them I would park the car in the middle of the road And there would have to be music, yo, my own And everybody would be smiling and bouncing with eachother BBQ and a great fire on the beach I would tell my brothers that I am proud of them And they should understand how much I care for them I would tell my mum and dad that I love them And ask them about their getting together again I wuld tell my friends that I believe That our love is greater than you can define with words And I would find my woman and tell her That I wanted to keep on living inside her And the sun would set over the water While I smoke my last Blue King (Cigarette) Drank my last gla** of red wine Wind in my hair Wearing Rockstargla**es 23 years I'll see you my dannebrog (Name of the Danish flag) One day left Live while you do Love while you dare One day left Live while you do Love while you dare One day left Live while you do Love while you dare One day left
Live while you do Love while you dare I wouldn't quite know what to do with myself Look in the mirror k** some time Leave my home wearing my favourite gear The whitest of sneaks and the cap slightly oblique I would leave the car behind And just walk through KBH (Copenhagen) Think about my achieving my goals My appreciating what I got My giving enough And wish that I had gotten the opportunity to thank those Who liked our sh** (I can only a**ume that he refers to the music) Continuing without major stops I don't know perhaps a last meal at Taco Shop Do thinks that I don't usually do Stop the most beautiful girl and seduce her like I had never done before Drop by my childhood home Tell my mum, my dad, my three brothers That I really do love them I would gather my team my friends And say that I know we will all meet again I would head for a club Look good Be cool Nothing but love And a VISA card with the speed of a Pendulum I would pop the most expensive champain Tell myself "We did it God dammit" Leave the place Without telling nobody With a single gla** in my hand and my cell turned off Have a laugh about a joke we jused to have Deep down I'd propably be afraid Dedicate one last thought to my family, my crew And the girl of my life whom I haven't met yet But f*** that I've gotten so much with me And I can feel it all, more than ever With Nexus on my chest and a raisen forehead I'm all by my self I do feel good And I'm leaving this place before the sun rises One day left Live while you do Love while you dare One day left Live while you do Love while you dare One day left Live while you do Love while you dare One day left Live while you do Love while you dare One day left One day left