[INTRO SPEECH] In a country where freedom is acclaimed on a constant basis, lies the bedrock of hate, slavery, & ardent subjection based on color America. The land where black people aren't seen as people or respected as humans. Rather treated inferior & handled as beasts from the east & not with ease Our inputs taken for granted. Our lives taken for granted. Our children's futures doubted, and our minds literally ousted 13% of peoples. Smaller than a small fraction, but bigger than the big picture. A group of people so small with an impact so vast, you'd think we was more than we are. We really are & We always find a way. From the brutal whip wielding slavery, to segregated buses, We made it all the way. All the way from the fields, to the house. till we claimed our freedom, made it out the house & made our way To the White House Yeah See they seek to oppress, but our heads are upheld. I wonder how we manage to last with how they keep k**ing us, but we won't digress & we won't be repressed, we've shown you before, we can't be oppressed Over a thousand unarmed black peoples was k**ed by cops in the year 2015. Minorities k**ed in majority. My hands are up, I can't breathe, I need love [RAP PRELUDE] It's Lotta hate. It's a Lotta prejudice. A Lotta bullsh**. A lotta racism The sh** We're subjected to, I just can't understand it I can't, I can't phantom the thought or ideology of hating a fellow human based off the color of their skin, that sh** is a sin. The sh** is obscene & I'm here to shed light on what matters & let y'all know that black lives matter. It's 2017, & we gotta make a change. We want peace [VERSE 1] It's been way too many years that we've been enslaved. Now It's time to air it out, put it on display. I don spent too many years of witnessing this pain. Now I'm fighting, believing that we make a change. I been losing my mind I'm drowning in my faith. Now I'm hoping that Jesus can make me walk on water. Lord I'm gon need signs you hear us at this hour. & I'm gon need yeezus to help this propaganda 20/20 election it won't even matter. But Dead or alive our opinions gotta matter. I took a peek in my mind, it's Plenty bullets flying through it & I'm way too educated, I can't bullet proof it Every time we try to make a change, they sabotage us. When we do it anyways they annihilate us. It's the same white folks that claim that all lives matter, but pa**ed laws that made us slaves so we could call em masta The ones that raped our wives & sold our sons away. Yeah that was years back then, that sh** ain't go away. Cos It ain't too long ago they burned out black bodies, whipping, hanging, mutilating n***as just to raise their crops. Now they don't hang us, they locking us away. Yeah they don't lynch us, they shooting us on sight. k** us more than diseases & cause our loss of life. Yeah it hurts way more to bring the past to light But it ain't gon change if we don't talk about it. & It won’t go away if we ain't acting on it. I'm eating Black-eyed peas, just asking where's the love? Why they shoot us in the back Just like Walter Scott? Why they take away our freedom, making us insane? Then they label us as thugs for setting cars in flames. Ill take a page up out your book & read it right back. Quit being a bully & give my rights back
[INTERLUDE] You know we've got Single mothers in the ghetto struggling to make a living & raise their kids, and a prejudice motherf**er on a random day pulls the trigger & ends their pride & joy. Tamir rice, Freddie Grey, Rekia Boyd. Darrien hunt was Shot 6 times from behind as he was running away Michael brown in Ferguson. 2 bullets to the head, shot from behind, 4 in his right arm Jonathan Ferrell was Shot 12 times at close range; the cop kept shooting while he was on the floor. Yeah that's some crazy sh**. I can't relate to it [VERSE 2] When I heard of Michael Moore I couldn’t take no more. Look at Trayvon Martin that boy was seventeen. All those years can't give his mom back. His daddy's tears can't get his son back. Yet you sold that gun that took his son's life. Hundreds of thousands I'm calling y'all out. Murderous demons, clowns & all that I wish that i could take this pain & give it all back. Grab a couple whips & whoop on y'all’s backs. Put dem shackles on your feet & locks on y'all’s mouths. Let you can see just how it feels when you just can't breathe & got the weight of evil spirits on your poor heart Yeah you put us through these things just because we black. Damn mof**as & still we ain't crack. And I’ve still got love for the white race, but you better call me n***a from a safe place [BRIDGE] Huh sh**s just sad mehn Lord help us It's already sad enough I had to lose a brother to cancer. Already bad enough i have to live with pain & hunger. Why do We have to be subjected to all the extra damnation to fuel this anger. We just need you to realize that our black lives matter So Stop k**ing my people Please. Stop k**ing my people Stop k**ing my f**ing people Arrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh (Yells) [OUTRO] I'm tired of mourning. I'm tired of crying. Tired of bleeding. Please believe that we're about 4, 5 miles away from the crossroads. You make us cross that line & you'll regret it. k**ing our innocent babies. Locking up our innocent brothers Same crime a white person commits & walks free, a black person commits & is locked deep. Deep in the coffers of the system. Correctional facilities, more like subjectional facilities. Designed to detain & maintain slavery under the premise of law & legality, with no immunity, but there'll be mutiny I guarantee we'll make a stand & make demands for a brave heart's in great hands so make plans for the mayhem A Brave heart in grey hats led my people in formation on a great March that changed lives and sprung the end of a lawless law of open discrimination in this Nation We have a dream We still believe In the King within I am King We are Kings We're not weak We will not blink We will not sleep We will not eat & Please believe we will not chill Until we're set free LET US BREATHE… The end