Suddenly the girl pitched sideways and a split second later the young man heard the distant shot. He dived for some rocks and watched as more bullets hit the girl. The young man looked to her body and as she died, he worked out where the shots were coming from. He knew d**h was going to walk on those shooters Chapter 6: There is one thing a white man should never do and that is move towards an Apache, because you will never get there. How do you catch dust in the wind? The young man saw the way they were coming by the movement of insects and birds and he knew where to go. Like the snake he slivered into a dry arroyo and worked behind the shots in an arc. After a while he saw them: three men, three white men cladding skins and they walked confidently towards the girl. The young man knew somewhere behind them another one held the horses, making four all together. He moved towards that man. The k**ers could wait, let them enjoy the hunt before they went under
He found the one by the horses, he was young too, and he died quietly with a surprised indignant look on his face. The young man tied the horses to a tree, and they'd come in handy later, four horses and equipment. By the girl's body two men knelt beside her while another stood guard. The guard suddenly cried out as his head exploded in a bubble of pink spray and he fell forward. The other two went to ground and nervously called out to each other "Do you see the ba*tard?" "No, he must be close." But he wasn't. The sharp sporting rifle will reach a long way in the right hands. The young man took careful aim and the smaller of the two men felt his leg blast away. The bigger, heavier man sank as far into the ground as he could make himself go, but still he could not see where the young man was