Elected Experience: Elected twice to the Washington State House of Representatives, and twice to the Metropolitan King County Council
Other Professional Experience: Currently: Adjunct professor, University of Washington. Public affairs consultant and small business owner. Special Assistant, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
Education: Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Western Washington University
Community Service: Chris and Ann Vance are regular volunteers with Reach Out Federal Way, a program to serve the homeless in South King County. Chris coached youth sports for many years and is the past President of the Auburn Youth Soccer Association.
Statement: I'm running for the Senate because, probably like you, I'm fed up. I'm fed up with the gridlock in Congress and the politicians in both parties who won't tell the American people the truth about the challenges we face.
The truth is, the gap between rich and poor is widening because our economy is not producing enough good middle cla** jobs. We are over $19 trillion in debt, and Social Security and Medicare are on the road to insolvency. There are solutions to these problems but Republicans and Democrats refuse to compromise and work together.
To address our debt crisis I support a bipartisan plan that includes limits on discretionary spending, structural changes that will strengthen Social Security and Medicare, and pro-growth tax reform. These steps would create jobs and reduce our debt.
To keep the peace I will always vote to keep America's defenses strong. We must do whatever it takes to protect our homeland from terrorism, and the United States must lead the fight to destroy ISIS in Syria and Iraq and deny them the territory they need to recruit and train followers. The Iran nuclear deal was a dangerous and destabilizing mistake.
It's time for a big change, and that will never happen as long as we keep sending the same people to Washington, D.C. year after year. I believe with new leadership we can bring Republicans and Democrats together to solve America's problems. I would appreciate your vote.
Chris Vance and his wife, Ann, have been married for 28 years. They have two children: Adam, age 24, a recent graduate of the University of Washington, and Natalie, age 20, a soph*more at Washington State University. The Vances live in Auburn.