There was once a kid named Jimmy, he was you're average teen, just finding out every one in this world is mean. I just want to tell his story, how his life was hell, and would never see glory, The final bell rang, Jimmy got out in a bang, running in the rain, and just so happened he ran into a gang, knocking into the leader of Kang, that was the gang's name. They decided to let the kid go, but before they spoke those words. Jimmy started talking sh**, so they hit him in his jaw, and Jimmy would fall right onto some broken gla**. And so they kicked his a**. When Jimmy awoke, he awoke to alarm, knowing he had broken his arm. When he got home, mom asked where he'd been. Then Jimmy relived the siuation again. He walked up stairs to his trashy jacked up room. The only thing cla**y is his new XP, he logged in just to crank one out, gla**ed fogged eyein' that skank up 'n down I don't try to be mean that's just me. Then to his fears mom walks in, then the bombs drops in. Jimmy wakes up next day, knowing he must pay. Mom lays, no computer for Jimmy anymore. No more blood or gore, free p**n, or fun anymore. Jimmy walks to school that day, forgetting the day before, that gang tells Jimmy give until he's poor, then they just his a** to the floor. Now sitting at his desk, wondering what to do, he hasn't got a clue fealing pretty blue. He get's his test back, social studies 'n geomatry, all useless blunders, he sees his grade and he's under, he failed again, feeling impaled and railed. He turns to the only thing that can brighten his day,
s**ual hara**ment can surely pay, expessually when that girl turns to be a guy. Jimmy gets suspended, 2 weeks gone, parents now losing his saving bond, but that's not enough, the judge gives Jimmy 3 months in juvinile, Jimmy think it's a bluff, and laughs out loud. There is now no sound in the room. Then Jimmy hears the boom of the gavel. Now knowing it's not joke. Jimmy serves his time, every day, choke the food down, just apear invisable to everyone around you. But that's not true. Jimmy picks a fight with this kid of great hight, and ends up his b**h. He just wanted to serve his sentence, but he was hunted down, they all surround him now. He saw his chance to run, he ran for those gates, got out as they closed, only served two days, now he is out on his own ways. He laughed as he took one final look at his hell, knowing he escaped with his a**. then turned around to a blast ma** in his face, by a guard known by the name of Ace. Now back in his cell, the judge tacked on two more months. He lacked the life to live in this particular case. He wanted to keep his virgin a** out of a tight place. One night around 3 o'clock. He shed his shirt off, tied it in a few knots, then jumped off the bunk, the guards woke to see a kid who had just rid his life. Jimmy was now dead, he got his wish, he never gave head, it was like his life was all pretend. Now you've heard the story of the boy named Jimmy, he wanted life to be a gimme, but took it all away and his shadow fades now, he's gone now. But the story is all the same.