10-07-13 Then after getting comfortable the faun brought lost of food, e brought cake, tea, and many types of toast. After they were tired of eating the faun took out a flute that made Lucy want to cry, laugh, dance, and sleep all at the same time. Then Lucy shook herself up and interrupted the faun and told him she had to go the faun then began to cry. Lucy asked and asked him what was wrong and the faun said that he was a very bad faun ans that he was the worst faun that had even been in the world. Lucy was confused and watched him tell her that his father would have never done that. Then the faun began to tell her that he worked for the white witch the woman that had invaded Narnia and made it always winter but never Christmas. Lucy asked the faun what his watch was and he told her that he was a kidnapper. He had to be nice to innocent children take them to his cave sleep them and then take them to the witch. Lucy was shocked she then to be trustful but not too much. 10-09-13 The faun told Lucy that if he doesn't kidnap her and the witch finds out she will do terrible things to him. She will probably cut off his tail, take off his horns, and pluck is beard off. He also told her that if the witch was extra mad she would turn him into stone. Afterwards Lucy begged the faun to let her go and the faun with no hesitation said that of course he was going to let her go and away they went. As they were leaving the faun said that they had to be quiet because the witch had spies, the trees. On there way to the lamp-post they were going in the darkness to not be seen and without speaking a word. When they go to the lamp-post the faun asked for Lucy's forgiveness and said forgave him with no hesitation at all. As she looked through the trees in front of the lamp-post she could see the light of day light. And was sure she could find her way home to the wardrobe.
10-10-13 When Lucy returned to her house it was still raining and she could hear her siblings shouting in the pa**ages. When Lucy heard them she began to shout I am here, I am back, I have returned. The children looked at Lucy in confusion and said what are you talking about then Lucy looked in confusion. She then replied I have been gone for hours and hours and I went to a cave and drank tea and at toast. They were still confused and began to think that Lucy was making up stories. Then Lucy with excitement to her siblings about the magical wardrobe they didn't believe her but since she was so excited they followed. When they got to the wardrobe and open up a space through the coats they saw nothing. All they saw was a wooden back and felt the wooden floor. 10-11-13 The solitary life of this newly discovered planet, with the catchy name PSO J318.5-22, has astronomers excited. Only 80 light-years from Earth, the 12 million-year-old planet has properties similar to those of gas-giant planets orbiting young stars. But because it is floating alone through space, rather than around a host star, astronomers can study it much more easily. While about a thousand planets have been discovered outside our solar system in the past decade by indirect means such as observing the wobbling or dimming of their host stars as they orbit only a handful of new planets have been directly imaged, all of them around young stars, according to a release from the Institute for Astronomy. Young stars are those less than 200 million years old. The astronomers stumbled across it as they sifted through a mountain of data produced by the Pan-STARRS 1 (PS1) wide-field survey telescope on Haleakala, Maui.