09-23-13 Obamacare is expected to increase patient demand for medical services. Combine that with a worsening shortage of doctors, and next year you may have to wait a little longer to get a doctor's appointment.There are approximately 48 million uninsured people in the United States. When the mandatory insurance rules of Obamacare kick in next year, and a couple dozen states expand who is eligible for Medicaid, you can bet more people are going to want to use their health benefits.so many people were anxious to get access to health insurance many for the first time when the insurance marketplaces opened Tuesday, more than a dozen of the websites experienced technical glitches. While he sees trauma cases often, a good number of the patients he sees don't involve trauma. They're the uninsured who can't afford to pay for a regular doctor's visit -- so they use the emergency room instead. There is already a national shortage of doctors, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. We're down about 20,000 now, and the number is expected to get worse as nearly half the nation's physicians are over age 50 meaning many are at or near retirement age. And it's not just doctors who are in short supply; we also need more nurses, according to the American Medical Association. 09-24-13 A long time ago in a galaxy far away bursts of laser fire stroke. The consular ship Tantive 4, which was racing from planet, Tatooine. The ship was escaping from Devastator, an immense Imperial Star Destroyed that was firing nearly all its turbolasers at the elusive ship. The array exploded, and the blast overloaded the starboard shield projector. That caused another explosion, damaging the power generator system and triggered a chain reaction throughout the ship. Inside the battered Tantive 4, the the crew raced to extinguish fires as more blasts rocked the ship. strugling to remain on their feet, Rebel crewmen and troops ran through a white-walled pa**ageway.
09-25-13 On Harry Potters birthday a fight broke out over breakfast,it wasn't the first time something like that occurred. This argument was just a beginning to the worst birthday ever. After the breakfast argument they began to argue because the owl was making a lot of noise. After the bird argument another argument began because Harry said the 'M' word and his aunt Dudley felt threatened. Harry's uncle was like a ticking bomb about to explode. Ever since Harry returned from wizard school his aunt and uncle have been on his case. 09-26-13 One cold November morning Daniel Sartain was going to be taken to hunt rabbits. He didn't want to go hunting ever since the time he saw his dad skinning a rabbit when he was five. On Daniels eleventh birthday he got his grandfathers old.410 shotgun. That shot had been hanging from the fireplace mantel in clay's cabin. He never thought he would have to use the gun but he did to go hunting with his uncle clay. When Daniel went hunting with his uncle clay he was acting like he knew what he was doing and was acting brave. When inside he was super scared and didn't want to k** anything.