09-09-13 Citizens of the United States don't want The United States to get involved with Syria and are striking. A strong majority doesn't want Congress to pa** a resolution authorizing a military strike against the regime. More than seven in 10 say such a strike would not achieve significant goals for the U.S. and a similar amount say it's not in the national interest for the U.S. to get involved in Syria's bloody two-year long civil war. If Congress does authorize military action, the gap between Democrats and Republicans shrinks to just four points, with 51% of Democrats and 47% of Republicans favoring military action. 09-11-13 In Tripura, India 18-month-old Roona Begum's head was shrieked. Roona's head grew to a circumference of 94 centimeters, almost triple the size of a normal baby. There were ten liters of excess fluid inside her brain. Her head was so heavy she could barely move. She was detected with Hydrocephalus, a common among infants and older adults. The condition is caused by overproduction, obstruction or lack of absorption of the cerebral fluid in the brain. Roona had major infections on the back of her head from the pressure of lying down all day, and her skin was very thin and delicate. After five surgeries, Roona's head is now down to a circumference of 58 centimeters, still larger than the average 38 to 48 centimeters, but small enough to allow her to live a reasonably normal life.
09-13-13 Simon Watt, the British biologist, of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, made the long-anticipated announcement Thursday night. The mascot for the Ugly Animal Preservation Society is the blobfish! According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the blobfish "looks like a big, blobby tadpole, just a ma** of pale, jelly-like flesh with puffy, loose skin, a big nose and beady, staring eyes." They're not very big either, growing only to about 12 inches in length. NOAA says nobody has ever seen them eat, but the British Science Association says they feast on crabs and lobsters. Blobfish are found mainly off the coast of southeastern Australia and Tasmania. Like many of the world's ugliest fish, they prefer to lay low, usually at depths of 2,000 to 4,000 feet, bobbing around above the bottom of the ocean.