12-09-13 Trailer 12-10-13 Amid a tidal wave of negative publicity, a Colorado school system has let a 6-year-old boy return to school and said it won't cla**ify his kissing a girl on the hand as s**ual hara**ment. The story of first-grader Hunter Yelton made national news and spurred outrage this week after word spread that his school near Colorado Springs suspended him for the kiss and accused him of s**ually hara**ing the girl. The boy has also returned to school at the Lincoln School of Science & Technology. Saunders admitted Hunter had problems at school before, getting suspended for rough-housing and for kissing the same girl on the cheek. Jade Masters-Ownbey, the mother of the girl Hunter is accused of kissing, told the local newspaper that the school district was right in protecting her daughter 12-11-13 Nick D'Aloisio is tapping intently on his smartphone, his slight frame bookended by a dark mop of hair and bright blue sneakers. Curled into a VIP couch, he appears oblivious to the fuss going around him. Upstairs, a young blogger desperate for face time is stalking the corridors trying to catch him between interviews. Meetings are running over and a spare room has to be found for the overflow. The 18 year old is a phenomenon of the tech world, and a star speaker at this year's LeWeb conference in Paris. D'Aloisio created Summly, an aggregation app, from his bedroom before selling it to Yahoo for a reported $30 million in March. He initially explored the idea to help him with his studies, identifying a need to deliver concise and accurate representation of text
12-12-13 The sign language interpreter widely ridiculed for his performance at the Nelson Mandela memorial stands by his work. Thamsanqa Jantjie told CNN affiliate Radio 702 in Johannesburg that he is a fully qualified interpreter and has been trusted in the past with other big events. There were complaints last year after Jantjie interpreted the proceedings at the ruling African National Conference elective conference, the institute's chairman Johan Blaauw told the South African Press Association. The radio station interviewer asked Jantjie to comment on media reports that he was hearing voices in his head and hallucinating during the Mandela event Tuesday 12-13-13 An uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been executed for trying to overthrow the government, the Korean Central News Agency reported early Friday. Jang, who was married to Kim's aunt, had served as vice chairman of North Korea's top military body and had often been pictured beside the 30-year-old leader, who has ruled North Korea since the d**h in 2011 of his father, Kim Jong Il. In Washington, a State Department official acknowledged having seen the report of Jang's execution. "While we cannot independently verify this development, we have no reason to doubt the official KCNA report," Deputy Spokeswoman Marie Harf said in a statement.Kim accused Jang and his allies of double-dealing behind the scenes, "dreaming different dreams" and selling the country's resources at cheap prices, thereby threatening North Korea's economic development, according to a KCNA statement this week