Gotta brand new brother Down on Flagstone Road Who sees more to life Than bein' bought and sold With acres of trees And wildlife crowdin' his back door Like sunshine Through the mists of a mountain morn Into my insecure basic blue When you're slammed on the floor Our of reach of the door And this woman bends softly And whispers to you Lean on me brother Let this sister take your heavy load Lean on me brother Let this sister take your load
When I get lost and I am tired and worn I use his hillside haven to calm my storm It's a better medication Than them empty brown bottles of booze Moonlight peekin' over the crested hill Evenin' breeze pushin' at the window sill There's the silhoutted shadow Of a night owl on the moon When ya dissillusioned Ya hard, when ya cheated you're shy Whats one mans facts Is just another mans lies You're constantly searching For a thief in a new disguise